Sunday, March 9, 2014

 March 2, 2014 - "The Day After" one day of Carnival – Rio

One more day in Rio and we spent it just walking around the town viewing the aftermath of the first night of Carnival. There were still some people on the street in party garb from the night before. I can only imagine what the streets looked like while the festival was in full swing. John took a few shots of some of the best costumes to give you an idea of how crazy some of them were.

The streets will take at least a week to clean up and then they really need steam cleaning. I doubt that will happen but it would sure help with the smell. There are two more days of party to go.

We were able to see the entire group of parade floats in the repair area. Not all of them were completely put together, but we certainly got to see the grandeur of 
some of them. Each one is from a different Samba club. These were the best of the best! It was like seeing the Rose parade. Everyone was working on their float trying to repair them for the next day. What a treat!!! As they say… pictures say a thousand words. Enjoy the pictures!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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